Sunday, April 11, 2010

A beautiful peice written by a friend

For a Special Woman
My evidence makes it evident, that in your heart, Ill soon be a permanent resident.
You are;
pure and celibate,
Tough but yet delicate,
Beyond excellent, style and elegance with etiquette
-I embrace the thought of one night hugging you,
-I caress the idea of one day loving you,
Excluding the fact that we have not kissed.
I reminisce, often recalling memories of you and I that dont exist!
-I'm having precognitions of future visions, retro cognitions of past visions,
Intuition leading me to your existence. Obtaining your love is a mission I made my decision, listen! I want unity not division.
-A Benediction for a lover's ambition, perhaps infatuation or addiction in the purest condition!! You are my religion.
Its you I'm hearing,
Its you I'm seeing,
Its you I'm feeling,
Enamored with your character, being, and essence.
In my world nothing may subsist but your presence.
Complications arise when my temptations catch me by surprise, I fantasize only to realize that you are not present when I open my eyes.
Contemplation relevant to your creation. No negative statements, strictly affirmations, take in consideration that to love you Ill put in a life time of dedication and determination. Your are the truth, no duplications or falsifications.
-Fantasies and dreams with your image only make the scenario humid, making me wet! -Sexual sensations make me touch my self and Im only human. You bet!
Remember the times we made love to poetry, without protection!.
The pencil got an erection,
Giving birth to beautiful pieces, excellent but shy from perfection.
-Once again I reminisce and recall memories of you and I that dont exist!
Once you fantasize there is the potential to externalize!
Our eyes bring fourth no lies, they are the mirror to our minds vehemently stating that we want each other in our lives.
I want matrimony.
Churches are overrated in fact skip the ceremony.
This is a written testimony, non phony.
Death will not do us part. It can take our lives but I got your mind, spirit, and heart.
Let our bodies be buried.
Acknowledge the fact that our mind and soul are everlastingly married.
Our love will live eternally.

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