Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I heard a song today
That pushed an issue even closer to me
It’s not like I haven’t heard this before
Especially in main stream media
But it still saddens me to see
That our society
Not only accepts and condones
But feels this way more and more
People really think
Money is more than knowledge can be
Child please
Society has forced us to use money
Why is it so hard to see
That knowledge is something you can’t take from me
My heart is another thing
Some may try and argue
That with money you can buy anything
Knowledge and love included in their schemes
I guess it would seem that way to a fool
But knowledge is not just something you find in school
It’s something that can be gained from anywhere
So I’m not saying you need a degree to get there
But when did it become acceptable
For a person to be downed because a degree was one of their goals
One they worked hard to obtain
How could that cause so much distain
Are we so naïve
That we make money our dreams
Are we really too blind to see
That money doesn’t make the man be
A man in the end
It’s what’s within
The knowledge it takes
To use the resources in his wake
To step up and take
Care of his responsibilities
To know love and even envy
To be humble
And not realize
How many people wish
They can be him on the inside
While people are so busy clowning
And downing
They really would give anything
Especially all of that money
To have the true riches
Only knowledge can bring
I hope this reaches at least one
And helps them understand
While on this Earth
Gain all the knowledge u can
© Mz Precious Poet 2010

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