The saying goes “It’s better to give than receive”
All my life I’ve given
And look where it’s gotten me
No job, but full of degrees
Student Loans
With no home
Taking care of everyone else and their family
I forgot to care enough to take care of me
It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just me
But I have more responsibility
Everyone telling me how I should feel
Thinking they know everything
My shoes they can never fill
Just like I can’t fill theirs
Yet and still
I refuse to lie to myself
I got to this place by myself
Always tried to do what was right
Taught my son to say his prayers at night
I guess my mistakes were worse than the next
Cause my seed is paying for each one on the list
Only 9 and he deals with more than most men
He’s stronger for it in the end
Doesn’t make it ok
For him to suffer because of me
Solution so simple
Yet not so easy
Rewrite the equation
To balance equally
Just remove the problem
Then things should run smoothly
Can’t accomplish that
And end up where I want to be for eternity
In hell now
With no way out
Figuring out a plan
For this storyline to end
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A beautiful peice written by a friend
For a Special Woman
My evidence makes it evident, that in your heart, Ill soon be a permanent resident.
You are;
pure and celibate,
Tough but yet delicate,
Beyond excellent, style and elegance with etiquette
-I embrace the thought of one night hugging you,
-I caress the idea of one day loving you,
Excluding the fact that we have not kissed.
I reminisce, often recalling memories of you and I that dont exist!
-I'm having precognitions of future visions, retro cognitions of past visions,
Intuition leading me to your existence. Obtaining your love is a mission I made my decision, listen! I want unity not division.
-A Benediction for a lover's ambition, perhaps infatuation or addiction in the purest condition!! You are my religion.
Its you I'm hearing,
Its you I'm seeing,
Its you I'm feeling,
Enamored with your character, being, and essence.
In my world nothing may subsist but your presence.
Complications arise when my temptations catch me by surprise, I fantasize only to realize that you are not present when I open my eyes.
Contemplation relevant to your creation. No negative statements, strictly affirmations, take in consideration that to love you Ill put in a life time of dedication and determination. Your are the truth, no duplications or falsifications.
-Fantasies and dreams with your image only make the scenario humid, making me wet! -Sexual sensations make me touch my self and Im only human. You bet!
Remember the times we made love to poetry, without protection!.
The pencil got an erection,
Giving birth to beautiful pieces, excellent but shy from perfection.
-Once again I reminisce and recall memories of you and I that dont exist!
Once you fantasize there is the potential to externalize!
Our eyes bring fourth no lies, they are the mirror to our minds vehemently stating that we want each other in our lives.
I want matrimony.
Churches are overrated in fact skip the ceremony.
This is a written testimony, non phony.
Death will not do us part. It can take our lives but I got your mind, spirit, and heart.
Let our bodies be buried.
Acknowledge the fact that our mind and soul are everlastingly married.
Our love will live eternally.
My evidence makes it evident, that in your heart, Ill soon be a permanent resident.
You are;
pure and celibate,
Tough but yet delicate,
Beyond excellent, style and elegance with etiquette
-I embrace the thought of one night hugging you,
-I caress the idea of one day loving you,
Excluding the fact that we have not kissed.
I reminisce, often recalling memories of you and I that dont exist!
-I'm having precognitions of future visions, retro cognitions of past visions,
Intuition leading me to your existence. Obtaining your love is a mission I made my decision, listen! I want unity not division.
-A Benediction for a lover's ambition, perhaps infatuation or addiction in the purest condition!! You are my religion.
Its you I'm hearing,
Its you I'm seeing,
Its you I'm feeling,
Enamored with your character, being, and essence.
In my world nothing may subsist but your presence.
Complications arise when my temptations catch me by surprise, I fantasize only to realize that you are not present when I open my eyes.
Contemplation relevant to your creation. No negative statements, strictly affirmations, take in consideration that to love you Ill put in a life time of dedication and determination. Your are the truth, no duplications or falsifications.
-Fantasies and dreams with your image only make the scenario humid, making me wet! -Sexual sensations make me touch my self and Im only human. You bet!
Remember the times we made love to poetry, without protection!.
The pencil got an erection,
Giving birth to beautiful pieces, excellent but shy from perfection.
-Once again I reminisce and recall memories of you and I that dont exist!
Once you fantasize there is the potential to externalize!
Our eyes bring fourth no lies, they are the mirror to our minds vehemently stating that we want each other in our lives.
I want matrimony.
Churches are overrated in fact skip the ceremony.
This is a written testimony, non phony.
Death will not do us part. It can take our lives but I got your mind, spirit, and heart.
Let our bodies be buried.
Acknowledge the fact that our mind and soul are everlastingly married.
Our love will live eternally.
Friday, April 9, 2010
All About Me
All About Me
Even when I’m off the scene
My name stays in full swing
I hear sooo many things
And people will believe what they choose to believe
Don’t want you to judge them on what you hear
But they are quick to listen to the birds in their ear
Acting like they don’t know misery loves company
One reason I don’t bring to you everything told to me
People can think what they want is petty
Petty would be me doing to you what you do to me
But why do that
When it comes back naturally
See Karma is a bigger B
Than I ever can be
So I’ll sit back and do my thing
Watch what time will bring
People just can’t see
True generosity
For what it is
Or for what it can be
I understand completely
So used to people who are shady
That they are not ready
For anything more
Anything better
My fault too
Cause I expect better
Expect people to really see
Instead of me being more careful
I look at potential
And intentions behind the acts
Perspective so different from the norm
So it must be wrong
Brainwashed indeed
Fitting in is not me
Get over it
And get gone
Cause you my dear
Have been erased from my mind
Hidden in my heart
And will be given no more time
We’ll see
If you’ll be one
To realize at one point
And let your pride not win one
Or if you’ll take it to the grave
And just pretend to be dumb
Won’t make me
Or break me
Hope I have an impression on at least one
Open an eye
To reality
Then I can say job well done
It’s an accomplishment to reach one
Even when I’m off the scene
My name stays in full swing
I hear sooo many things
And people will believe what they choose to believe
Don’t want you to judge them on what you hear
But they are quick to listen to the birds in their ear
Acting like they don’t know misery loves company
One reason I don’t bring to you everything told to me
People can think what they want is petty
Petty would be me doing to you what you do to me
But why do that
When it comes back naturally
See Karma is a bigger B
Than I ever can be
So I’ll sit back and do my thing
Watch what time will bring
People just can’t see
True generosity
For what it is
Or for what it can be
I understand completely
So used to people who are shady
That they are not ready
For anything more
Anything better
My fault too
Cause I expect better
Expect people to really see
Instead of me being more careful
I look at potential
And intentions behind the acts
Perspective so different from the norm
So it must be wrong
Brainwashed indeed
Fitting in is not me
Get over it
And get gone
Cause you my dear
Have been erased from my mind
Hidden in my heart
And will be given no more time
We’ll see
If you’ll be one
To realize at one point
And let your pride not win one
Or if you’ll take it to the grave
And just pretend to be dumb
Won’t make me
Or break me
Hope I have an impression on at least one
Open an eye
To reality
Then I can say job well done
It’s an accomplishment to reach one
Sunday, April 4, 2010
A friend of mine once said to me
We should all hang mirrors on our GLASS walls
Then maybe we can see
We are just as flawed
Sounded like a good idea to me
Then the problem hit me
People will only see
What they choose to see
They can look in the mirror
And see perfection
Not the insecurities
So adding more mirrors
Won’t force them to see
And they do just that
By adding people to reflect their inner being
They see the faults
Just not their own
So they sit there
And throw stones
What will they do
When their walls get hit
And their houses come shattering down
Does it take hitting bottom
To see imperfections
Or will they continue to blame
The world around them
Wouldn’t it be great
If the world could grow together
Oh how I wish
We could all get better
And fix everything that needs fixing
Help each other
Instead of pushing the next man down
And not taking in our own criticisms
Too busy being on the defensive
I’m beginning with my mirror
Listening more
But still being selective in what I take in
This is one thing
I hope becomes a trend
A friend of mine once said to me
We should all hang mirrors on our GLASS walls
Then maybe we can see
We are just as flawed
Sounded like a good idea to me
Then the problem hit me
People will only see
What they choose to see
They can look in the mirror
And see perfection
Not the insecurities
So adding more mirrors
Won’t force them to see
And they do just that
By adding people to reflect their inner being
They see the faults
Just not their own
So they sit there
And throw stones
What will they do
When their walls get hit
And their houses come shattering down
Does it take hitting bottom
To see imperfections
Or will they continue to blame
The world around them
Wouldn’t it be great
If the world could grow together
Oh how I wish
We could all get better
And fix everything that needs fixing
Help each other
Instead of pushing the next man down
And not taking in our own criticisms
Too busy being on the defensive
I’m beginning with my mirror
Listening more
But still being selective in what I take in
This is one thing
I hope becomes a trend
Thursday, April 1, 2010
He says my eyes are like a safe with no lock
If it’s soooo easy for him to see right into my heart
Then why use up my love and kindness
Does he want me to push him away like the rest
I know he has it in him to treat me like that queen
Yet he’s intentionally showing me another thing
Treating the wrong people right
And the right people wrong
Frankie could have made that into a song
Now he treated her right as can be
Such a difference when it comes to me
Which makes him wrong
Being treated right by me
This thing keeps going faithfully
I can see where it’s heading
And I need to get out now
And by the time he figures it out
It’ll be way too late
I would have thought about all the wrong
The hurt
The pain
With no gain
And asked myself
Why I stayed so long
In the first place
I should have left after the first day
But I had to “give it a chance”
I’m going to learn one day
To stop giving my heart away
To people who are broken
I can’t fix everything
So I’ll leave it up to God
And continue to work on myself alone
All about Krys2
That’s the only way for me to do!
He says my eyes are like a safe with no lock
If it’s soooo easy for him to see right into my heart
Then why use up my love and kindness
Does he want me to push him away like the rest
I know he has it in him to treat me like that queen
Yet he’s intentionally showing me another thing
Treating the wrong people right
And the right people wrong
Frankie could have made that into a song
Now he treated her right as can be
Such a difference when it comes to me
Which makes him wrong
Being treated right by me
This thing keeps going faithfully
I can see where it’s heading
And I need to get out now
And by the time he figures it out
It’ll be way too late
I would have thought about all the wrong
The hurt
The pain
With no gain
And asked myself
Why I stayed so long
In the first place
I should have left after the first day
But I had to “give it a chance”
I’m going to learn one day
To stop giving my heart away
To people who are broken
I can’t fix everything
So I’ll leave it up to God
And continue to work on myself alone
All about Krys2
That’s the only way for me to do!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
So you think you want to know about Double P
Please you can’t handle the complexities of me
You can’t even see what is in your face
The genuine signs I show everyday
Such a rare find
Value often overlooked
Until the date is too late
And Miss T comes into play
So many people think they know
And they come up with the dumbest things to show
Run and tell
I wonder if they feel dumb when they are wrong as hell
Steady thinking the pressure will break me
When in reality
The pressure is forming this diamond more and more beautifully
Shine becoming brighter and brighter by the second
Hope you at least have on shades
I really don’t want you to disintegrate
Cause it’s like looking at a Roman God in its true form
Or a solar eclipse
Not to be looked at directly
Maybe you should turn your head
I see you squinting when you try looking me in the eye
I know the shine is just too bright
Maybe one day you’ll grow enough to see
To realize we are all here for the same thing
To learn what we need to in the time we have
That really no one is better that the next
It’s our perceptions that needs to be fixed
Once you find the balance between being humble and proud
The judgment you have will reduce for the crowd
That you see around
I know this is supposed to be about me
But without people and the bonds I have
Where would I be
I’ve learned from the good, the bad, and the ugly
I would do it all again
Especially the painful moments
To learn and grow
Become the butterfly
From the caterpillar
I grew in my for years in my cocoon
Now I’m spreading my wings
And learning as the flight goes on
I’ll keep pushing til the end
Of my time in this realm
Making sure my business is taken care of
On the way I’ll continue to give all the love
And help that I can
Trying my best to leave a great impression on this land
A legacy that never ends
I’m smart enough to know
That I’m not where it began
And strong enough not to allow it to end
With me
But to pass it on
Mentor while I learn
It’s the only way to truly be
What point is there to know
And not to share
With who you can
I know that’s not most people’s plan
The greed causes them to think again
But I’ve never been one to follow the next man
Standing out has always been my plan
And I do it so well
Because I only know how to be myself
So if it’s not what you expected
Oh well
UnXpect’D is what I’ll always be
That K.O. will keep coming
Not only in poetry
Give it enough time
And you just might see
So you think you want to know about Double P
Please you can’t handle the complexities of me
You can’t even see what is in your face
The genuine signs I show everyday
Such a rare find
Value often overlooked
Until the date is too late
And Miss T comes into play
So many people think they know
And they come up with the dumbest things to show
Run and tell
I wonder if they feel dumb when they are wrong as hell
Steady thinking the pressure will break me
When in reality
The pressure is forming this diamond more and more beautifully
Shine becoming brighter and brighter by the second
Hope you at least have on shades
I really don’t want you to disintegrate
Cause it’s like looking at a Roman God in its true form
Or a solar eclipse
Not to be looked at directly
Maybe you should turn your head
I see you squinting when you try looking me in the eye
I know the shine is just too bright
Maybe one day you’ll grow enough to see
To realize we are all here for the same thing
To learn what we need to in the time we have
That really no one is better that the next
It’s our perceptions that needs to be fixed
Once you find the balance between being humble and proud
The judgment you have will reduce for the crowd
That you see around
I know this is supposed to be about me
But without people and the bonds I have
Where would I be
I’ve learned from the good, the bad, and the ugly
I would do it all again
Especially the painful moments
To learn and grow
Become the butterfly
From the caterpillar
I grew in my for years in my cocoon
Now I’m spreading my wings
And learning as the flight goes on
I’ll keep pushing til the end
Of my time in this realm
Making sure my business is taken care of
On the way I’ll continue to give all the love
And help that I can
Trying my best to leave a great impression on this land
A legacy that never ends
I’m smart enough to know
That I’m not where it began
And strong enough not to allow it to end
With me
But to pass it on
Mentor while I learn
It’s the only way to truly be
What point is there to know
And not to share
With who you can
I know that’s not most people’s plan
The greed causes them to think again
But I’ve never been one to follow the next man
Standing out has always been my plan
And I do it so well
Because I only know how to be myself
So if it’s not what you expected
Oh well
UnXpect’D is what I’ll always be
That K.O. will keep coming
Not only in poetry
Give it enough time
And you just might see
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dam this hurts
Why would I listen to what his words said
When I could feel in his heart different
Or did I speak it into existence
Anyway I’m left again
Holding another bag
With nothing but pain within
Trying so hard not to be
A “bag lady”
As soon as I dispense of one
Another one comes
Fuller than the last
When will this all pass
How do I grab that other bag
The one full of happiness
The one that seems just out of my reach
Always helping someone else get there
But what about me
Maybe this is my purpose
To be a pit stop
On the way
While others are on the road
And actually reaching their pursuit
I’m just walking forever
Stuck in the twilight
With no end in sight
Can’t see the light at the end of this tunnel
Maybe I’m in a cave
Going deeper
And deeper
The darkness becoming thicker
Eyes adjusting by the day
My own little evolution
Evolving to survive
This environment
That it seems I’ll continue to live in
Is it by choice
Or is this God’s plan
Before you even begin
To tell me God wants everyone happy
Do some research into history
And the Bible and you will see
There are those here meant to never be happy
And plenty of times
I have to sit and wonder
If one of those is me
Dam this hurts
Why would I listen to what his words said
When I could feel in his heart different
Or did I speak it into existence
Anyway I’m left again
Holding another bag
With nothing but pain within
Trying so hard not to be
A “bag lady”
As soon as I dispense of one
Another one comes
Fuller than the last
When will this all pass
How do I grab that other bag
The one full of happiness
The one that seems just out of my reach
Always helping someone else get there
But what about me
Maybe this is my purpose
To be a pit stop
On the way
While others are on the road
And actually reaching their pursuit
I’m just walking forever
Stuck in the twilight
With no end in sight
Can’t see the light at the end of this tunnel
Maybe I’m in a cave
Going deeper
And deeper
The darkness becoming thicker
Eyes adjusting by the day
My own little evolution
Evolving to survive
This environment
That it seems I’ll continue to live in
Is it by choice
Or is this God’s plan
Before you even begin
To tell me God wants everyone happy
Do some research into history
And the Bible and you will see
There are those here meant to never be happy
And plenty of times
I have to sit and wonder
If one of those is me
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I heard a song today
That pushed an issue even closer to me
It’s not like I haven’t heard this before
Especially in main stream media
But it still saddens me to see
That our society
Not only accepts and condones
But feels this way more and more
People really think
Money is more than knowledge can be
Child please
Society has forced us to use money
Why is it so hard to see
That knowledge is something you can’t take from me
My heart is another thing
Some may try and argue
That with money you can buy anything
Knowledge and love included in their schemes
I guess it would seem that way to a fool
But knowledge is not just something you find in school
It’s something that can be gained from anywhere
So I’m not saying you need a degree to get there
But when did it become acceptable
For a person to be downed because a degree was one of their goals
One they worked hard to obtain
How could that cause so much distain
Are we so naïve
That we make money our dreams
Are we really too blind to see
That money doesn’t make the man be
A man in the end
It’s what’s within
The knowledge it takes
To use the resources in his wake
To step up and take
Care of his responsibilities
To know love and even envy
To be humble
And not realize
How many people wish
They can be him on the inside
While people are so busy clowning
And downing
They really would give anything
Especially all of that money
To have the true riches
Only knowledge can bring
I hope this reaches at least one
And helps them understand
While on this Earth
Gain all the knowledge u can
© Mz Precious Poet 2010
I heard a song today
That pushed an issue even closer to me
It’s not like I haven’t heard this before
Especially in main stream media
But it still saddens me to see
That our society
Not only accepts and condones
But feels this way more and more
People really think
Money is more than knowledge can be
Child please
Society has forced us to use money
Why is it so hard to see
That knowledge is something you can’t take from me
My heart is another thing
Some may try and argue
That with money you can buy anything
Knowledge and love included in their schemes
I guess it would seem that way to a fool
But knowledge is not just something you find in school
It’s something that can be gained from anywhere
So I’m not saying you need a degree to get there
But when did it become acceptable
For a person to be downed because a degree was one of their goals
One they worked hard to obtain
How could that cause so much distain
Are we so naïve
That we make money our dreams
Are we really too blind to see
That money doesn’t make the man be
A man in the end
It’s what’s within
The knowledge it takes
To use the resources in his wake
To step up and take
Care of his responsibilities
To know love and even envy
To be humble
And not realize
How many people wish
They can be him on the inside
While people are so busy clowning
And downing
They really would give anything
Especially all of that money
To have the true riches
Only knowledge can bring
I hope this reaches at least one
And helps them understand
While on this Earth
Gain all the knowledge u can
© Mz Precious Poet 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Waited too long
Waited too long
How long can I wait it out
Before you realize
The love I have for you in my life
I sit back while you do your dirt
Clean it all up
Act like I’m not hurt
Attempt to school you on how to do it better
Try to calm her down as your helper
Doing everything to hold on to my position
The one you take your anger out on
And any shape or form
It manifests in that day
You don’t care which way
Five minutes later
It’s all cool
Hell I was choked up
Not You
Now this particular day
Ol girl made you mad
You came home
Still wanting some ass
You knew I didn’t want it
But took it anyway
That wasn’t enough
For your frustrations that day
I wasn’t her
So you couldn’t bust
You started to choke
Hoping to add to your lust
I fought til I couldn’t anymore
You just held tighter
Enjoying the ride in store
You finally reached your peak
And decided to let go of me
Turned over and askes
“Was it good baby?”
Acting surprised when you got no response
Anger started bulding back up
So you grabbed my arm
And felt the weight
Looked into my cold eyes
Dam was all you can say
How can I hide this
Running through your mind
No care or thought
To the life taken so sly
I waited and waited for you to love me back
To appreciate everything I did to have your back
Guess I waited too long
Now that chance for love is gone
No one will know my pain or suffering
No one will know my hard work or vitality
They will put out a search party for me
And you’ll search like you care I’m missing
Soon enough it will all die down
That’ sigh of relief will resound
That’s just when you’ll get hit
From my uncle who suspected it
All along and was biding his time
This is one shot in the head you won’t survive
16 from the clip for good measure
And to make sure they won’t recognize you in any weather
Closed casket is just what he’ll want
His niece didn’t get laid to rest
Your people won’t get to see you either punk
This is a dangerous game you play
And you can never come out on top in the end
But as long as we keep playing
This is how it will end
© Mz Precious Poet
How long can I wait it out
Before you realize
The love I have for you in my life
I sit back while you do your dirt
Clean it all up
Act like I’m not hurt
Attempt to school you on how to do it better
Try to calm her down as your helper
Doing everything to hold on to my position
The one you take your anger out on
And any shape or form
It manifests in that day
You don’t care which way
Five minutes later
It’s all cool
Hell I was choked up
Not You
Now this particular day
Ol girl made you mad
You came home
Still wanting some ass
You knew I didn’t want it
But took it anyway
That wasn’t enough
For your frustrations that day
I wasn’t her
So you couldn’t bust
You started to choke
Hoping to add to your lust
I fought til I couldn’t anymore
You just held tighter
Enjoying the ride in store
You finally reached your peak
And decided to let go of me
Turned over and askes
“Was it good baby?”
Acting surprised when you got no response
Anger started bulding back up
So you grabbed my arm
And felt the weight
Looked into my cold eyes
Dam was all you can say
How can I hide this
Running through your mind
No care or thought
To the life taken so sly
I waited and waited for you to love me back
To appreciate everything I did to have your back
Guess I waited too long
Now that chance for love is gone
No one will know my pain or suffering
No one will know my hard work or vitality
They will put out a search party for me
And you’ll search like you care I’m missing
Soon enough it will all die down
That’ sigh of relief will resound
That’s just when you’ll get hit
From my uncle who suspected it
All along and was biding his time
This is one shot in the head you won’t survive
16 from the clip for good measure
And to make sure they won’t recognize you in any weather
Closed casket is just what he’ll want
His niece didn’t get laid to rest
Your people won’t get to see you either punk
This is a dangerous game you play
And you can never come out on top in the end
But as long as we keep playing
This is how it will end
© Mz Precious Poet
Sunday, February 14, 2010
V Day
Excuse me while I think out loud
A little habit I have
Who cares if there’s a crowd
I’ll tell you one thing right now
This won’t be politically correct
Hope you didn’t come here looking for that
You might as well close your eyes and ears
Because all I know how to be is real
All this Valentine’s day hoopla
I just can’t get into it in any way
First of all love is year round
Don’t do anything for me today
You can’t do next Monday
If you need an excuse to do something special
Then I don’t need you in my circle
Ignorance is a pet peeve of mine
Are you celebrating something
Not knowing the time
Of day, or the way
It came about
In the first place
Now if you can give me a good reason
I’ll respect that and keep it moving
But if you all can say
Is “It’s Valentine’s day”
Then you have some reading
And studying to do my friend
Yes I said it
Britannica it is
Or whichever you choose
Just know Wikipedia is not the one to use
4th century slapping was used to promote fertility
Looks like that will cause you to lose a baby to me
5th century had to do with love
Secret marriages hid from the king
Valentine killed on Feb 14th
Heart cut out and given to out to eat
So now you buy candy hearts
And send them out to eat
What message do you see
Seems gruesome to me
Wait let’s not forget the Valentine in the 3rd century
Can anyone tell me who we are celebrating really?
When you find out
Let me know
And exactly what I’m celebrating him for
Let’s get into some pagan history
Raffling off teens for sex
The men get a rite of passage
These girls get vexed
Stuck being used for a year
Giving goods that’s so dear
Something they can never get back
Christians have no originality
So we take holidays and make them what we want them to be
Now we raffle saints to imitate
Can someone tell me how it got to how it is this date
And this cupid kid
He was a Roman God to bid
Isn’t this worshipping false idols
Now I’m even more confused than when I started
It can have me in circles all day if you allow me
Now just in this last century
Let’s mark it with another massacre
And celebrate with glee
Is it really for lovers
And if it is
What about those
With no love to get
Now we have left people out
Yet again
Another “holiday”
Causing depression
A little habit I have
Who cares if there’s a crowd
I’ll tell you one thing right now
This won’t be politically correct
Hope you didn’t come here looking for that
You might as well close your eyes and ears
Because all I know how to be is real
All this Valentine’s day hoopla
I just can’t get into it in any way
First of all love is year round
Don’t do anything for me today
You can’t do next Monday
If you need an excuse to do something special
Then I don’t need you in my circle
Ignorance is a pet peeve of mine
Are you celebrating something
Not knowing the time
Of day, or the way
It came about
In the first place
Now if you can give me a good reason
I’ll respect that and keep it moving
But if you all can say
Is “It’s Valentine’s day”
Then you have some reading
And studying to do my friend
Yes I said it
Britannica it is
Or whichever you choose
Just know Wikipedia is not the one to use
4th century slapping was used to promote fertility
Looks like that will cause you to lose a baby to me
5th century had to do with love
Secret marriages hid from the king
Valentine killed on Feb 14th
Heart cut out and given to out to eat
So now you buy candy hearts
And send them out to eat
What message do you see
Seems gruesome to me
Wait let’s not forget the Valentine in the 3rd century
Can anyone tell me who we are celebrating really?
When you find out
Let me know
And exactly what I’m celebrating him for
Let’s get into some pagan history
Raffling off teens for sex
The men get a rite of passage
These girls get vexed
Stuck being used for a year
Giving goods that’s so dear
Something they can never get back
Christians have no originality
So we take holidays and make them what we want them to be
Now we raffle saints to imitate
Can someone tell me how it got to how it is this date
And this cupid kid
He was a Roman God to bid
Isn’t this worshipping false idols
Now I’m even more confused than when I started
It can have me in circles all day if you allow me
Now just in this last century
Let’s mark it with another massacre
And celebrate with glee
Is it really for lovers
And if it is
What about those
With no love to get
Now we have left people out
Yet again
Another “holiday”
Causing depression
Friday, February 12, 2010
Blood Thicker than Water
Blood is thicker than water
At least that’s what they tell me
They all LIED
From what I can see
Family will be the first
To knock down your dreams
They’ll choose water over you
In a heartbeat
Especially when that water was supposed to be your friend
Someone looking to divide from within
They can only do it if allowed
Sad when your family is the crowd
To tear you down
More and more
Never thinking to help build
What you have in store
Oh they talk a good game
“We’re Family”
So quick to say
But they show you better than tell you
That in the grand scheme of things
You my friend mean
Nothing at all to them
Maybe someone they think they can pity
Not knowing you have more for them to envy
Or maybe that’s what it is
You are doing it too big
Slow down
And maybe
Just maybe
Your family
Will love you again
Friends are no better
Take advantage
In all types of weather
People thinking because you work hard
You have it all to give
But what about your household
They forget
You too have to live
Not their problem at all
You’re supposed to help them take care of their home
Drop all you have to do
And run to take care of them too
Child please
Your home is your first priority
Don’t be blinded and believe
They will be there when you need
Help because you want to and can
Don’t look for a returning hand
You’re get your heart crushed
And have nowhere to land
But all deeds comeback
They will need you again
And the people you least expect
Will be there when you need a hand
Mz Precious Poet
© 2010
At least that’s what they tell me
They all LIED
From what I can see
Family will be the first
To knock down your dreams
They’ll choose water over you
In a heartbeat
Especially when that water was supposed to be your friend
Someone looking to divide from within
They can only do it if allowed
Sad when your family is the crowd
To tear you down
More and more
Never thinking to help build
What you have in store
Oh they talk a good game
“We’re Family”
So quick to say
But they show you better than tell you
That in the grand scheme of things
You my friend mean
Nothing at all to them
Maybe someone they think they can pity
Not knowing you have more for them to envy
Or maybe that’s what it is
You are doing it too big
Slow down
And maybe
Just maybe
Your family
Will love you again
Friends are no better
Take advantage
In all types of weather
People thinking because you work hard
You have it all to give
But what about your household
They forget
You too have to live
Not their problem at all
You’re supposed to help them take care of their home
Drop all you have to do
And run to take care of them too
Child please
Your home is your first priority
Don’t be blinded and believe
They will be there when you need
Help because you want to and can
Don’t look for a returning hand
You’re get your heart crushed
And have nowhere to land
But all deeds comeback
They will need you again
And the people you least expect
Will be there when you need a hand
Mz Precious Poet
© 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Broken Mirror
The Broken Mirror
“When you can look in the mirror and still not see what you’ve become. I know I’m guilty of it too, but not like some” Jay Z
Are the mirrors these days broken
Or is it me
Do these people do things
And really not see
That they are the ones
They talk about
All the complaints
And hypocritical bouts
Then turn right around
And do just what they said
Shouldn’t be done
Cause “We’re too old for that”
Lying to themselves
Then trying to put in on the next
Any person they think
They can best
But talk is cheap
And it gets you nowhere
Keep on talking
Maybe someone will get scared
Even if you do succeed
In making people believe
It’s the next man
What will you do when it happens again?
Find someone else new
Try with them to spew
Your garbage and hate
Mad they can’t relate
Sorry to tell you
Everyone doesn’t have time boo
To respond to the madness
Some just cut you off quick
Yeah now you’re even more pissed
Cause no one is listening to your shit
Now here you go
Trying to put people against each other for a show
Anyone that allows this
Is just as dumb as the bitch
That attempts to start the bullshit
When real people sit and talk
You get pointed out like a hawk
More people see
The reality
Not what you want them to perceive
Just because someone is new
Doesn’t mean they’re naïve
Instead of getting help
Something you so obviously need
You push more and more away
Less people to even care
If you’re ok
I’ll continue to pray
That for your children’s sake
One day you’re ok
But right now
In the words of Jay
“You lost one”
(Or maybe more)
“When you can look in the mirror and still not see what you’ve become. I know I’m guilty of it too, but not like some” Jay Z
Are the mirrors these days broken
Or is it me
Do these people do things
And really not see
That they are the ones
They talk about
All the complaints
And hypocritical bouts
Then turn right around
And do just what they said
Shouldn’t be done
Cause “We’re too old for that”
Lying to themselves
Then trying to put in on the next
Any person they think
They can best
But talk is cheap
And it gets you nowhere
Keep on talking
Maybe someone will get scared
Even if you do succeed
In making people believe
It’s the next man
What will you do when it happens again?
Find someone else new
Try with them to spew
Your garbage and hate
Mad they can’t relate
Sorry to tell you
Everyone doesn’t have time boo
To respond to the madness
Some just cut you off quick
Yeah now you’re even more pissed
Cause no one is listening to your shit
Now here you go
Trying to put people against each other for a show
Anyone that allows this
Is just as dumb as the bitch
That attempts to start the bullshit
When real people sit and talk
You get pointed out like a hawk
More people see
The reality
Not what you want them to perceive
Just because someone is new
Doesn’t mean they’re naïve
Instead of getting help
Something you so obviously need
You push more and more away
Less people to even care
If you’re ok
I’ll continue to pray
That for your children’s sake
One day you’re ok
But right now
In the words of Jay
“You lost one”
(Or maybe more)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What am I do to
Opened up to you
Allowed you in my life
Not looking for stife
Opened up my home
You and lil buddy had time to roam
Now I know most of the complexities
And it's doing nothing but stressing me
Most of what you say you do
But this one thing has a hold on you
Not sure which way to turn
Another lesson learned
This one may be lifelong
An UnXpect'D suprise to come
Now the bond might be forever
And the fallout so unclever
Instead of using all that tact
You don't know how to act
Stuck in between
Don't want to be mean
Sometime the truth hurts
And it needs to be told fromt he first
If not drama follows
So unworth the hollow
Empty feeling that's left
Behind when no one's left
To unerstand the pain
Maybe even shame
Looking back on the situation
Mew perception
Hind site 20/20
Foresite needs some contacts
You steady telling me to relax
Well guess what I will
I'm sure you won't like this deal
Cause I'm relaxing on my own
The stress won't be brought to my home
Mz Precious Poet
(c) 2010
Opened up to you
Allowed you in my life
Not looking for stife
Opened up my home
You and lil buddy had time to roam
Now I know most of the complexities
And it's doing nothing but stressing me
Most of what you say you do
But this one thing has a hold on you
Not sure which way to turn
Another lesson learned
This one may be lifelong
An UnXpect'D suprise to come
Now the bond might be forever
And the fallout so unclever
Instead of using all that tact
You don't know how to act
Stuck in between
Don't want to be mean
Sometime the truth hurts
And it needs to be told fromt he first
If not drama follows
So unworth the hollow
Empty feeling that's left
Behind when no one's left
To unerstand the pain
Maybe even shame
Looking back on the situation
Mew perception
Hind site 20/20
Foresite needs some contacts
You steady telling me to relax
Well guess what I will
I'm sure you won't like this deal
Cause I'm relaxing on my own
The stress won't be brought to my home
Mz Precious Poet
(c) 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Is a state of mind
It’s not an age of any kind
It’s not having all the traits on one list
It’s not doing what grown people do
It’s not never showing immaturity
It’s not never showing weakness
It’s knowing you will make mistakes
And learning from them
It’s take the time to digest things around you
Figuring out what’s best
For you
Going through trial and error
And learning your way through
Being big enough to admit
Maybe you made a mistake
Taking responsibility for your actions
Instead of letting anger take control
Sitting back and analyzing
All options that come your way
Learning when your attitude
Can bring you down
Just as much as lift you up
Grown is realizing
That you constantly grow
That you constantly learn
That pushing away
People in your corner
Will land you high and dry
But the people who truly care
Will be there when you come back
But taking advantage
Just because you know that
Shows more immaturity
Maybe a stage
We all need to see
No matter the age
To grow more
Will we ever truly be grown?
When we know everything
There is no more room
For us on this plane
No more learning
Left to gain
Purpose of being here done
Do we really want to be grown
Or continue to learn
Continue to grow
Do grown folks things
Like taking care of responsibilities
Still knowing theres always more growing to do
And being open to it too
Is a state of mind
It’s not an age of any kind
It’s not having all the traits on one list
It’s not doing what grown people do
It’s not never showing immaturity
It’s not never showing weakness
It’s knowing you will make mistakes
And learning from them
It’s take the time to digest things around you
Figuring out what’s best
For you
Going through trial and error
And learning your way through
Being big enough to admit
Maybe you made a mistake
Taking responsibility for your actions
Instead of letting anger take control
Sitting back and analyzing
All options that come your way
Learning when your attitude
Can bring you down
Just as much as lift you up
Grown is realizing
That you constantly grow
That you constantly learn
That pushing away
People in your corner
Will land you high and dry
But the people who truly care
Will be there when you come back
But taking advantage
Just because you know that
Shows more immaturity
Maybe a stage
We all need to see
No matter the age
To grow more
Will we ever truly be grown?
When we know everything
There is no more room
For us on this plane
No more learning
Left to gain
Purpose of being here done
Do we really want to be grown
Or continue to learn
Continue to grow
Do grown folks things
Like taking care of responsibilities
Still knowing theres always more growing to do
And being open to it too
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Uncharted Terrain
Rolling through my mind
Over and over again
Learning from the past
Not wanting to make the same mistakes again
Wanting to trust
Open fully up
Be free
Be me
Yet knowing I can get hurt again
Scared to move with the wind
Scared for the fragile to be broken again
Not knowing his real intentions
Almost let my old ways take the lead
And push away
What I may just need
To fill the void
The one part of your heart
That has outside needs
Love and family
To nourish and feed
The fragile part
That can easily
Break apart
And drain the soul
And Heart
Not to be given lightly
When held back
It can miss alot
Alot of needs
Alot of love
Alot of comfort
Even having the family
Is it my body or heart
Another question
Tearing me apart
Will the friendship be lost
To turmoil
And at what cost
A few hours pleasure
With lingering memories
Conversation falling apart
Because physical is now the theme
Or will it be
Where we don't need
As much conversation
Because we know each other's needs
Where we can be content
To be with each other in silence
A perfect bond indeed
For now I'll just move
With the cheese
And see where that takes me.
Over and over again
Learning from the past
Not wanting to make the same mistakes again
Wanting to trust
Open fully up
Be free
Be me
Yet knowing I can get hurt again
Scared to move with the wind
Scared for the fragile to be broken again
Not knowing his real intentions
Almost let my old ways take the lead
And push away
What I may just need
To fill the void
The one part of your heart
That has outside needs
Love and family
To nourish and feed
The fragile part
That can easily
Break apart
And drain the soul
And Heart
Not to be given lightly
When held back
It can miss alot
Alot of needs
Alot of love
Alot of comfort
Even having the family
Is it my body or heart
Another question
Tearing me apart
Will the friendship be lost
To turmoil
And at what cost
A few hours pleasure
With lingering memories
Conversation falling apart
Because physical is now the theme
Or will it be
Where we don't need
As much conversation
Because we know each other's needs
Where we can be content
To be with each other in silence
A perfect bond indeed
For now I'll just move
With the cheese
And see where that takes me.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Our Young Men
Only a Man
Can raise a man
Been said before
I’m saying it again
Maybe this time
Someone new will listen
Take it in
And understand
Yet we chose to produce
From males who aren’t men
Continuing this cycle
Of women trying to raise men
Some can learn the definition
Grow up and be great men
Without that example
Some know not where to begin
With no example
They can fathom
The words spoken
From the female chatham
“What does she know?”
They subconsciously ask
She doesn’t even have a man
Always alone is a fact
She does it all
Without a man
Why is she pushing me
When we have these women
To pick up our slack
Do everything we lack
Bringing in all the doe
Kneeding it also
Letting that bread rise
Then baking it too
No surprise
Common place
I see it everyday
No need for me to step up
And take any role in this play
I only need to do me
She doesn’t need my money
But what he fails to see
Is support is what we need
That strength that comes from a MAN
That understanding
That strong hand
That example
For our young men
Even for our women
To show them what they
Can have in a man
How they should be treated
Even though they can be independent
So the women
Settle for less than a man
They don’t know better
Had no one to show them
Don’t see the men
That will work for them
Not be intimidated
By their success
Will support
And be there
Will raise their seeds
Will protect their needs
Others just wait
Knowing there have to be some left
How long to wait
How long to be alone
Where are
The real men
We need you
Can raise a man
Been said before
I’m saying it again
Maybe this time
Someone new will listen
Take it in
And understand
Yet we chose to produce
From males who aren’t men
Continuing this cycle
Of women trying to raise men
Some can learn the definition
Grow up and be great men
Without that example
Some know not where to begin
With no example
They can fathom
The words spoken
From the female chatham
“What does she know?”
They subconsciously ask
She doesn’t even have a man
Always alone is a fact
She does it all
Without a man
Why is she pushing me
When we have these women
To pick up our slack
Do everything we lack
Bringing in all the doe
Kneeding it also
Letting that bread rise
Then baking it too
No surprise
Common place
I see it everyday
No need for me to step up
And take any role in this play
I only need to do me
She doesn’t need my money
But what he fails to see
Is support is what we need
That strength that comes from a MAN
That understanding
That strong hand
That example
For our young men
Even for our women
To show them what they
Can have in a man
How they should be treated
Even though they can be independent
So the women
Settle for less than a man
They don’t know better
Had no one to show them
Don’t see the men
That will work for them
Not be intimidated
By their success
Will support
And be there
Will raise their seeds
Will protect their needs
Others just wait
Knowing there have to be some left
How long to wait
How long to be alone
Where are
The real men
We need you
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friends & Family
So called family and friends
can never understand
They push more pain
Than helping hands
Pulling deaper and deaper
In an attempt to get you in their land
Of nothing but quick sand
Thinking yo have it made
Really don't know your days
They want to see your struggle
Want to see your pain
If they look harder they wll
There are just amazed at your will
And yourstrength to pull through
To move up
In spite of the things you go through
Because you can depend on you
And not need a man to support you
Because you're making it young
Their old and dreams gone
Not your fault they let them go
Not too late for them to pick them up
With no drive they can't see
So instead of woking on them
They try and down thee
To pull you on their level
Because they can't grow
Mind to shallow
to closed to see
all the possibilities
in life there can be
pull yourself out
don't let them win
give them something admire
somethin to aspire
Maybe their minds will open
maybe they will see
they can do/be anything
they want to be
can never understand
They push more pain
Than helping hands
Pulling deaper and deaper
In an attempt to get you in their land
Of nothing but quick sand
Thinking yo have it made
Really don't know your days
They want to see your struggle
Want to see your pain
If they look harder they wll
There are just amazed at your will
And yourstrength to pull through
To move up
In spite of the things you go through
Because you can depend on you
And not need a man to support you
Because you're making it young
Their old and dreams gone
Not your fault they let them go
Not too late for them to pick them up
With no drive they can't see
So instead of woking on them
They try and down thee
To pull you on their level
Because they can't grow
Mind to shallow
to closed to see
all the possibilities
in life there can be
pull yourself out
don't let them win
give them something admire
somethin to aspire
Maybe their minds will open
maybe they will see
they can do/be anything
they want to be
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
The anger
The pain
The confusion
The shame
Emotions battered
House tattered
Evidence of tantrum
Emotional storm
How to let go
Violation of body, mind and soul
Emotional melting pot
Already on overflow
Too many thoughts
Hard to let go
Already took enough
Now part of my soul
No apology
Trying to blame me
Can’t take responsibility
For your actions at all
It will come back
But til then what
I’m just to feel pain
Why won’t it go away
Noid in my own home
Feeling unsafe
Scared to be alone
Checking locks
Sleeping with mace
And you try and tell me to my face
It wasn’t a violation
You did nothing wrong
Don’t want to involve police
Seems like so much stress
At the same time
Am I letting you get away with it
No one uunderstands
It’s not their feelings
Every1 thinks they know what’s best for me
But they aren’t in my shoes
And they don’t want to be
No one there for support
Just judgment of me
Then I keep it in
Wrong again
Can’t win for lose
You violated me
I did nothing to you
Yet you walk around so happy
When I’m full of tears inside of me
The pain
The confusion
The shame
Emotions battered
House tattered
Evidence of tantrum
Emotional storm
How to let go
Violation of body, mind and soul
Emotional melting pot
Already on overflow
Too many thoughts
Hard to let go
Already took enough
Now part of my soul
No apology
Trying to blame me
Can’t take responsibility
For your actions at all
It will come back
But til then what
I’m just to feel pain
Why won’t it go away
Noid in my own home
Feeling unsafe
Scared to be alone
Checking locks
Sleeping with mace
And you try and tell me to my face
It wasn’t a violation
You did nothing wrong
Don’t want to involve police
Seems like so much stress
At the same time
Am I letting you get away with it
No one uunderstands
It’s not their feelings
Every1 thinks they know what’s best for me
But they aren’t in my shoes
And they don’t want to be
No one there for support
Just judgment of me
Then I keep it in
Wrong again
Can’t win for lose
You violated me
I did nothing to you
Yet you walk around so happy
When I’m full of tears inside of me
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